The AI Crisis caused untold destruction across the cities of humanity, with human forces winning a hard-fought, epic battle against the robot uprising. Decades later, the balance of power has been restored, and mankind has harnessed technology like never before, bridging human minds to powerful AIs in order to pilot a new breed of mech: Fusion Guards.
Now, peace can only be maintained through strength. Commander, we need you to form a mercenary guild and recruit a ragtag team of heroes capable of piloting a tactically diverse range of high-tech mecha.
This is FUSION GUARDS: a new breed of competitive strategy role playing game set in a dynamic, sci-fi near-future. Vye for power with rival factions of mercs and PMCs. Craft, develop and equip the most powerful and advanced weaponry in order to strategically defeat your enemy on the battlefield. Grow your power and roster through story missions, weekly and live events, team and guild battles. Rapidly experiment with your formation, unit builds and pilots in order to test your strategies and take the top spot on the leaderboard.
Have you got what it takes, pilot?
Fight tactical, asynchronous battles with other players using powerful mechs in beautifully illustrated, 3D battlegrounds to become the strongest pilot on your server.
Rapidly strategise and customise. Victory will require ingenious combos of your mechs, pilots and equipment – all of which can be easily and quickly swapped around – to create the best units. Then, plan your formation and destroy the menacing machines and cunning setups of your opponents.
Evolving lore and story that will be shaped by the players, full of contemporary issues such as the AI explosion, robotics, mega-corporations and ruthless geo-politics. Each pilot is full of their own personality, backstory and motivations.
Players help shape the world by taking part in unique events involving an entire server. Win the event, reap the rewards and then become a boss battle available to all other players.
Join or create your own team and recruit other players as allies in the toughest battles - against rival teams and special events. Coordinate, recruit, and dominate.
Think even bigger and join a faction to participate in multi-battle events, story arcs and hundreds of players all working towards a common goal.
Work with the rewards and materials you receive in order to craft new tactical options and more powerful gear with an intuitive yet flexible and powerful system.
Enjoy the game at your own pace. No energy system; skip/auto battle (or watch carefully to analyse your choices), idle missions, and asynchronous PvP.
Epic, immersive soundtrack and audio design that brings you closer to the action and evolves along with your units power.
La crisis de la IA causó una destrucción indecible en las ciudades de la humanidad, y las fuerzas humanas ganaron una batalla épica y dura contra el levantamiento del robot. Décadas más tarde, el equilibrio de poder se ha restablecido, y la humanidad ha aprovechado la tecnología como nunca antes, uniendo las mentes humanas a las poderosas IA para pilotar una nueva clase de mech: Fusion Guards.
Ahora, la paz solo puede mantenerse a través de la fuerza. Comandante, necesitamos que formes un gremio de mercenarios y reclutas a un equipo de héroes capaces de pilotar una variedad tácticamente diversa de mechas de alta tecnología.
Se trata de FUSION GUARDS: una nueva generación de juegos de rol de estrategia competitiva en un futuro cercano de ciencia ficción y dinámica. Vye por el poder con facciones rivales de mercenarios y PMC. Crea, desarrolla y equipa el armamento más poderoso y avanzado para derrotar estratégicamente a tu enemigo en el campo de batalla. Haz crecer tu poder y tu lista a través de misiones de historia, eventos semanales y en vivo, batallas de equipos y gremios. Experimente rápidamente con su formación, construcción de unidades y pilotos para probar sus estrategias y tomar el primer lugar en la tabla de clasificación.
¿Tienes lo que se necesita, piloto?
Lucha en batallas tácticas y asíncronas con otros jugadores usando poderosas máquinas en campos de batalla 3D bellamente ilustrados para convertirte en el piloto más fuerte de tu servidor.
Estrategias y personalizaciones rápidas. La victoria requerirá ingeniosos combos de sus mechs, pilotos y equipos, todos los cuales se pueden intercambiar fácil y rápidamente, para crear las mejores unidades. Luego, planea tu formación y destruye las máquinas amenazadoras y las configuraciones astutas de tus oponentes.
Evolución de la historia y la historia que serán moldeadas por los jugadores, llenas de problemas contemporáneos como la explosión de la IA, la robótica, las mega corporaciones y la geopolítica despiadada. Cada piloto está lleno de su propia personalidad, historia de fondo y motivaciones.
Los jugadores ayudan a dar forma al mundo al participar en eventos únicos que involucran a un servidor completo. Gana el evento, obtén las recompensas y conviértete en un jefe de batalla disponible para todos los demás jugadores.
Únete o crea tu propio equipo y recluta a otros jugadores como aliados en las batallas más difíciles, contra equipos rivales y eventos especiales. Coordinar, reclutar y dominar.
Piense aún más y únase a una facción para participar en eventos de múltiples batallas, arcos de historias y cientos de jugadores que trabajan para lograr un objetivo común.
Trabaje con las recompensas y los materiales que reciba para crear nuevas opciones tácticas y equipos más potentes con un sistema intuitivo pero flexible y poderoso.
Disfruta el juego a tu propio ritmo. No hay sistema de energía; salta / combate automáticamente (o mira con atención para analizar tus elecciones), misiones inactivas y PvP asíncrono.
Épica, una banda sonora inmersiva y un diseño de audio que te acerca a la acción y evoluciona junto con la potencia de tus unidades.
The AI Crisis caused untold destruction across the cities of humanity, with human forces winning a hard-fought, epic battle against the robot uprising. Decades later, the balance of power has been restored, and mankind has harnessed technology like never before, bridging human minds to powerful AIs in order to pilot a new breed of mech: Fusion Guards.
Now, peace can only be maintained through strength. Commander, we need you to form a mercenary guild and recruit a ragtag team of heroes capable of piloting a tactically diverse range of high-tech mecha.
This is FUSION GUARDS: a new breed of competitive strategy role playing game set in a dynamic, sci-fi near-future. Vye for power with rival factions of mercs and PMCs. Craft, develop and equip the most powerful and advanced weaponry in order to strategically defeat your enemy on the battlefield. Grow your power and roster through story missions, weekly and live events, team and guild battles. Rapidly experiment with your formation, unit builds and pilots in order to test your strategies and take the top spot on the leaderboard.
Have you got what it takes, pilot?
Fight tactical, asynchronous battles with other players using powerful mechs in beautifully illustrated, 3D battlegrounds to become the strongest pilot on your server.
Rapidly strategise and customise. Victory will require ingenious combos of your mechs, pilots and equipment – all of which can be easily and quickly swapped around – to create the best units. Then, plan your formation and destroy the menacing machines and cunning setups of your opponents.
Evolving lore and story that will be shaped by the players, full of contemporary issues such as the AI explosion, robotics, mega-corporations and ruthless geo-politics. Each pilot is full of their own personality, backstory and motivations.
Players help shape the world by taking part in unique events involving an entire server. Win the event, reap the rewards and then become a boss battle available to all other players.
Join or create your own team and recruit other players as allies in the toughest battles - against rival teams and special events. Coordinate, recruit, and dominate.
Think even bigger and join a faction to participate in multi-battle events, story arcs and hundreds of players all working towards a common goal.
Work with the rewards and materials you receive in order to craft new tactical options and more powerful gear with an intuitive yet flexible and powerful system.
Enjoy the game at your own pace. No energy system; skip/auto battle (or watch carefully to analyse your choices), idle missions, and asynchronous PvP.
Epic, immersive soundtrack and audio design that brings you closer to the action and evolves along with your units power.